Coming Soon!

In order to better serve the interests of our community, Spellers Learn is now comprised of curated lesson materials, rather than the broader crowdsourced collections our customers may remember. 

All lessons should be both informative and engaging. But over the years that Spellers Learn has been offering lessons, we've learned that the needs of home users are often different from that of clinical practitioners. In a clinical setting the skill being elevated is the use of the board, and what the client learns during the lesson is a byproduct and a tool used to engage the student. At home, it's often the opposite - parents or other CRPs may want to teach the materials that were denied to their speller in school, with the byproduct of practicing their communication partnership. These are two sides to the same coin, but with different priorities. And, the lessons preferred by practitioners are what is most often found on free platforms, since practitioners are typically the ones comfortable with lesson writing. 

In response to these differing priorities, beginning on March 18, 2024, we're going to continue archive some very well-written but non-academic lesson topics. We're also adding new content, based on topics usually taught in school as well as the following:

  • Lived Experiences: What we can all learn by listening to the experts, written by spellers about their own life experiences.
  • Current Events: The stories overheard on the news or in conversations, but may require background or context.
  • Personal Development: Topics you only discuss with trusted friends and family; such as physical development, mental health, and sexuality.

Lessons being archived are available for a discount until they leave the site at midnight eastern time on March 17, 2024. Find them by clicking here.

We hope that this change represents the evolution of a valuable resource for you and your speller. And we're always open to your feedback, send us an email to

Elizabeth Sim Zielinski

Parent of a Speller; and Founder of Spellers Learn