How It Works

If you've just discovered Spelling to Communicate, it's tempting to sit down with your student and simply offer them an alphabet board. Please don't! The method looks simple, but that can be deceptive. To ensure success, you need to start with some understanding of why and how it works before jumping in. For more information, please visit the International Association of Spelling as Communication.

We also invite you to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the answers to our most common inquiries.

All of our lessons are provided to you as downloadable digital files, which are available immediately upon completion of your purchase. These files will always be available to you, there are no limit to the number of downloads. We also recommend opening a user account at checkout in order to find your prior purchases easily and quickly.

Lessons on Spellers Learn have been written by members of our user community, in the format of Spelling to Communicate (S2C) methodology as taught by Growing Kids Therapy Center. That means:

  • Originally written in the words of the author. Lessons draw upon factual source material (listed at the end of every lesson), but has been modified to conform to the S2C structure and to comply with U.S. copyright laws. 
  • Includes keywords that are capitalized or italicized, with definitions or synonyms included, either with an explicit sentence in the lesson or in parentheses following the word. Example: Hurricane Katrina was a CATASTROPHIC (disastrous, devastating) storm that affected a large portion of the southeastern United States.
  • Factually accurate. We do not fact-check lesson content, but it’s expected that lesson writers will ensure the content is true and correct. In the unlikely event you find something that is factually incorrect, please bring it to our attention.
  • Includes a variety of question types, listed using the following color code to identify the type of question.

Green: Questions that have only one correct answer, and may be answered using the three-board stencil set. Example: "What was astronaut Christa McAuliffe's profession before she was an astronaut?"

Orange: Semi-Open. Questions that have a small group of possible answers. Example: “Name one astronaut on the Apollo 13 mission.”

Blue: Prior Knowledge. Questions that were not specifically addressed in the text of the lesson, but are likely to be common knowledge for the potential student doing the lesson. Example: “Houston is in Texas. Name another state in the southern United States.”

Purple: Math. A question that uses numbers or requires calculation, and if necessary can be answered using the number board (number answers can also be spelled out on a letter board). "Neil Armstrong was born in 1930. How many years ago was that?"

Pink: Open or Creative Writing. A question that requires summary and synthesis, opinion, or is creative. "What do you think about private citizens becoming astronauts?"
Red: VAKTivity. An extension activity to support visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile learning, without using the letter boards. 
  • Provide the answers to all questions. With the exception of Prior Knowledge questions, the answers will always be in the body of the lesson content. However, authors will also list them alongside the questions, for user convenience.

If you have any additional questions or would like to begin adding your own lessons to our catalog for sale, email