Susie Lotharius

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Location: Georgia; USA

What is your connection to the spelling community? 

First and foremost, I am mom to Graciela who entered the world of spelling as her most effective way to communicate in May 2014. As a result of her advocacy, I helped start the Every Voice Matters community in Atlanta. In my spare time, I serve on the board of CommunicationFIRST.

How would you describe your lessons and lesson-writing style?

I'm a former teacher and often write my lessons through the lens of an educator by asking myself, "what is interesting about this topic and how can I best convey that?" I particularly enjoy designing a variety of questions in my lessons and also like to find ways to help the student/client make connections between the lesson topic and the real world.

What makes you see a topic and say, "I want to write a lesson about that?"

I have so many lessons that I want to write and so little time! The world is a fascinating place and there is so much out there to explore. I love writing about people, places, and events that pique my curiosity and make me think "I want to know more about that!"

What's your best advice to someone new to spelled communication?

Keep at it. Don't give up. Slow and steady is the way. Have patience and tenacity. 

Animals are the original nonspeaking beings. If you could communicate fluently with one species, which would it be and why?

Our dog, Mack. I know that he has so much that he is trying to tell us! And I'm guessing he's tired of being talked to all the time. :)